Let me share my story relating to a compliment.
I have a teacher who just tries to live for other people. Because he knows each person very well, he gives words and teaches to the people's level. When I heard the teacher's words, I didn't know what they meant at first. After years later, I could realize that it was necessary to me. He knew me better than I did.
A few years ago, when I had too much difficulty doing my work, I tried to quit my job and go back to my hometown, Korea. He talked to me whose mind turned against it and wanted to leave.
"You can do it well because you have a sense of responsibility."
Over the phone, He gave me the compliment that he had given some years back once. I wondered how he could remember the same compliment that he gave me in the past, even if he had to deal with so many people? It shocked me. And my heart ached.
How could he say "You have a sense of responsibility" to a person who wanted to quit responsibility and leave everything behind? I was sure that he would never give up on changing my mind. However, he doesn't seem to feel impatient or anxious. I could see a firm conviction in him, which I couldn't express in words. That stubborn mind disappeared and was no more without knowing it.

It seemed that I was under a spell. However, it was his sincerity that made my mind change. He showed me the principle in which it comes true if we believe something with only one mind. I was not able to realize it at the time.
1 year, 2 years, 5 years... as time passed by, I have come to realize more and more. Since he gave me the same compliment twice, my belief in my strong sense of responsibility has even grown stronger. However, as the belief got stronger, some incidents occurred to me. They made me see myself who is irresponsible.
As the human mind is a mind of possession, I was so obsessive about making myself to be responsible in my mind due to the attachment. Because I didn't allow myself to be irresponsible, my resisting mind came out to appear in reality. In other words, I experienced an irresponsible myself that I was afraid of seeing. The world taught me to know my mind I didn't know. I had no choice but to repent of my obsessions of having a strong sense of responsibility. I threw away my attachment-filled minds. Then I was able to be more responsible than before. I could discover a terrible myself that I couldn't admit before and get rid of through the experience of getting the compliment.
Now I can solely focus on the work without delusional thoughts.
I respect the teacher's wisdom that made me see my unknown false mind by a compliment. Wisdom comes from the true mind. Thanks for reading my story.