Our Method
Basic Principles of The Method
The reason people are unsatisfied with their lives, feel inadequate or have moments when they lack meaning is because people do not live in the real world but in the false world, in other words an illusion. This self-made world is called the illusionary world or the picture world because it does not actually exist. Yet, humans do not know they are living in the false world because the false world overlaps the true world.

Necessity to Escape the False Mind World

It is necessary for all people to escape from this illusionary world.
To do this we must discard or detach from the illusionary pictures we have taken and even the concepts of our very selves constructed with these illusions.
The reason we must eliminate these illusions is because we live as a slave to them.
Simply by discarding the false, we can come to know what our True nature is.
When this happens, and only when this happens, is it possible to live in the real world, and know true happiness, great liberation, and coexistence.
The Simple Path
The method is created as a program of seven levels; each level is simply a different technique designed to expand your consciousness to the mind of the universe.
Each level/technique is taught face-to-face by a meditation guide with great care and compassion, always respecting your process.
Level 1:
Discarding remembered thoughts
Level 2:
Discarding images of myself
and human relationships
Level 3:
Discarding the body
Level 4:
Discarding the body and the universe
Level 5:
Discarding the body and the universe
Level 6:
Eliminating one’s self and becoming
the universe
Level 7:
Discarding the illusionary world and
the self that is living in that world
The Seven Levels
Level 1 : Discarding remembered thoughts
(confirming the Universe is one’s self)
Level 2 : Discarding images of myself and human relationships
(confirming there are no [false] minds)
Level 3 : Discarding the body
(confirming the Universe exists within one’s self)
Level 4 : Discarding the body and the universe
(confirming the original Soul and Spirit)
Level 5 : Discarding the body and the universe
(confirming the original Soul and Spirit and the world of the original Soul and Spirit)
Level 6 : Eliminating one’s self and becoming the universe
(becoming the original Soul and Spirit)
Level 7 : Discarding the illusionary world and the self that is living in that world

Each Class Follows 3 Steps
Recall the remembered thoughts and images in your mind.
As you become aware of your habits and attachments, your perspective widens.
See and throw away from the perspective of the Universe using the guided visualization technique.
Realize the Truth which is the Universe exists within you. Become free from your Mind World and live with true happiness in the true world.